Terraria Console Commands

Depending on what plugins you're using, this list may change. This is the vanilla TShock Terraria command list. Always check /help ingame and it will list commands available to you. To use commands, you may use an RCON service, or ingame on an admin account. For example, type /help to display a list of commands.

Aug 12th, 2011
  • Once a dedicated server is running, the following commands can be run: help - Displays a list of commands. Playing - Shows the list of players. This can be used in-game by typing /playing into the chat. Clear - Clear the console window. Exit - Shutdown the server and save. Exit-nosave - Shutdown the server without saving. Save - Save the game.
  • By Nitrous Networks in Terraria The following console commands are at your disposal to manage your new server while it is up and running: If you need access to these commands in-game, you can find them by entering “help”.
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  1. reload - Reload plugins
  2. players - Show Online Players
  3. say - Send a console message to online players
  4. help - Show command list (this list)
  5. ban - ban a player
  6. time - set time with: '<set <Time> (day/dusk/dawn/noon/night/now) >
  7. give - give player an item: '<give <player> <amount> <item name/id> >'
  8. spawnnpc - spawn a npc: '<spawnnpc <amount> <name/id> >'
  9. tp - teleport a player to a player (the format is not given, but I belive it is:
  10. '<tp <Player name to be teleported> <Player name to teleport to> >
  11. settle - settle water
  12. op - set a player to OP (Dunno what the hell it is, OverPowered maybe? XD)
  13. oplogin - Log in as OP: <oplogin <password> > (didn't get either, sorry for these comments, just me being dumb XD)
  14. npcspawns - toggle the state of npc spawning
  15. restart - restart the server
  16. slots - check the state of communication slots

Terraria, unlike other games, doesn’t allow us to use commands in order to cheat. Instead, the only thing that we were able to find is Terraria console commands for server setups and moderating.

Now, since everything is server-related, chances are that you won’t have to keep a backup of the game. Still, consider doing it – just to be safe.

Without any further ado, let us move on with the article.

Terraria Console Commands for Servers

These commands can be used for various tasks such as banning or kicking players, whitelisting, blacklisting, and more. Some commands can be inserted in the configuration file so that the server will execute them automatically every time you launch it.

However, do keep in mind that it doesn’t work for every command. For example, it wouldn’t make sense to use the kick or ban command in the configuration.

And for that reason, we’ll try to split the commands into different categories. These ones can be used while the server is running.

help: Prints a list of all the commands that can be used

clear: Clears the console

playing: Prints a list of all the players that are currently logged in

kick [Player]: Kicks the specified player from the game

ban [Player]: Bans the player from the game

exit: Saves the current state of the server and then shuts it down

exit-nosave: Immediately shuts down the server without saving

maxplayers: Displays the maximum number of players that are allowed to join. That number can be changed through the configuration file – more on that later

version: Displays the current version of the game

port: Prints port-related information

password [Pass] [Pass]: Change the password

motd: Prints MOTD

motd [Value] [Value]: Changes MOTD

Time Control Commands

This is nothing but a few simple commands that you can use in order to control the weather and time of the game/server.

settle: Settles all of the water Windows 10 pro preactivated download.

noon: Sets the time to noon (12:00)

dawn: Sets the time to dawn (04:30)

dusk: Sets the time to dusk (19:30)

midnight: Sets the time to midnight (00:00)

Configuration Commands

If you insert these commands in the configuration file, then the server will automatically execute them every time you launch the game. Do keep in mind that the configuration file needs to be in the same folder with the server’s executable program.

maxplayers= [Value]: Sets the maximum number of players that can join. The value can be anything from 1 up to 255

secure=1/0: Enables or disables cheat protection


motd=[Value]: Sets the motd

Anne of green gables 2016 123movies. world=C:UsersDefaultsMy DocumentsMy GamesTerrariaWorlds[World]: Loads the specified world and starts the server

autocreate=[Size]: Automatically creates a new world if there isn’t one. The world sizes that you can specify are:

  • 1: Small
  • 2: Medium
  • 3: Large

difficulty=[Difficulty]: Sets the difficulty when using the autocreate command. 0 is for normal and 1 is for expert

Terraria console commands xbox

port[Port]: Sets the port number

language: Sets the server’s language. The available language commands that you can use are:

US: English

DE: German

FR: French

IT: Italian

Terraria console commands 1.4

ES: Spanish

PL: Polish Mac 3516 chainsaw parts.

BR: Portuguese

Hans: Chinese


Terraria Console Commands
  • Where are the cheat commands?: There are none. You can try using cheats instead
  • How do I unban a player?: You need to edit the banlist.txt file and delete his name from the list
  • Do I need to save manually?: Not necessarily. The game automatically saves the game’s current state every now and then.
  • Are backups necessary?: In other games, absolutely. Commands can break a game in a variety of different ways. But, in Terraria, you’re only controlling the server. So, probably not. Still, you should probably do it – just to be safe

Wrapping Up

Terraria Console Commands Steam

That’s all for now. There are also a few other commands that you can use to alter file locations. But, we don’t see a need to bother with something like that.


That being said, if you think that we forgot to mention an important command, then feel free to let us know about it in the comments section.